Thursday 4 September 2014

Vacation scheme

Day 3
I loved Wednesday. I was able to explore a new area of law, commercial dispute resolution. 

The first task required me to write a draft response letter a claimant regarding breach of copyright. Their argument referenced a number of case law which I was able to distinguish from the current case and put together as a response, laying out the predicted total in damages. - I loved the opportunity to research and apply case law and found the experience extremely insightful into the type of cases you might deal with in dispute resolution. The second task involved me looking through a contract to check if UCTA 1977 could be applied and as a consequence terminate an unwanted contract. 

The day also gave me an opportunity to speak to the trainees there already. Normally the TC involves 4 seats based on where the firm needs and what the trainee is interested in, this might be spread across their three different locations. Each of the offices have a different environment. He said the TC offers hands on work from the very beginning, and immediate client contact as soon as they are ready. - This is extremely important to me. The application process itself involves two interviews, an examination style exercise on property law and a presentation (his was on the LSA 2007). The hours are long but the staff know what they are doing and committed to the work. I also had an opportunity to speak to the recruiter who reflected what the trainee had already told me and highlighted the flexibility a trainee would need at the same time as the flexibility the firm might be willing to offer if they found the right candidate.

In the afternoon I was invited to court to assist one of the senior partners in a very high profile case, where the press were involved. It was a great insight into pre-trial preparation and the discussions needed between the client, advocates, CPS and clerks. I was able to have a chat with him afterwards about how the criminal law profession has changed following cuts and how short staffed and over worked the courts are concerning time and the need to deal with as many cases as possible. 

Day 4 and 5
I spent the remainder days with family law. Most of which was filled up with helping make bundles and writing divorce petitions a lot of administrative tasks. Whilst my perfectionist and logical side loves tasks like this, I was disappointed I didn't get an opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge of the law or other skills as I was with the recruiting partner for the remainder of my placement. However, I did have the opportunity to attend the civil court with one of their barristers.

I absolutely loved my time at the firm. Really enjoyed the work allocated and felt extremely valued throughout the entire placement. I felt the firm was full of lawyers who value the work they do and are committed to stay up to date with current affairs and application of the law. I would love to work there again. (fingers crossed).