Tuesday 29 January 2013

Learning to juggle.

Well, it has certainly been a long time since September. Looking back over my previous posts I have modified my New Year resolution. This is to take more care over my writing. Therefore I apologise for any previous suffering I may have inflicted (and any further).

1. I am a fully fledged Appropriate Adult.
2. I have a place at The College (or should I now say University) of Law in Guildford. Starting my GDL this September.

Since returning to my last year at University, It feels as if I have been constantly pestered by a storm cloud adamant on dumping workload after workload on me. In truth however, it is by fault of my own, taking on possibly too much (if I can bring myself to admit it).

Finding the right balance in life is certainly a skill I am still developing. I plan to have it cracked by June!

So what am I trying to juggle?

1. History Degree
2. Preparing for Law conversion
3. Applying to vacation schemes
4. Keeping in touch with Law contacts
5. Making new contacts
6. Finding work experience towards law
7. Managing volunteering
8. Managing committee role
9. Managing Mentor Manager role
10. Managing job role at home.
11. Managing course representative role.
12. Family
13. Remembering I actually have a social life.
14. Relationship
15. House
16. Dissertation
17. Assignments
18. Finance
19. Me!

And I have most likely left out the most important things.

This is in no particular order, so don't worry Kirran. Infact, this is exactly my point, it's just a long list of things to do. So many people do SO much more seeming to glide around effortlessly. Whereas I constantly trip over my feet and write off my day as a failure when my boiled egg isn't right.

So, what is my solution?

Currently, my degree is of foremost importance. Therefore that comes first.

1. Complete assignments and dissertation whilst remembering to revise - 2 days a week to Medieval module, 2 days to Post War and 2 days to dissertation.

Preparing for law is ongoing.

2. Allocate one day a week to finding work experience and contacts. This will be the day for the blog. Saturday!

Why will I do my Volunteering and Job?

3. Allocate to free days. YOS Thursday. Hospital Holiday weekends.

4. Committee prep and mentoring Sunday evening. (In front of Mr Selfridge!)


5. ME time - after 6pm Weekdays and outside of 11am-3pm weekends. - this includes time for retail therapy, going out and socialising (Definitely needs to be reigned in)

6. Stick to it.

7. Don't beat self up if I don't.


I know that it's unlikely I will follow this to the T. However, now I have a plan and know what to put first. - For the time being.

So, here it is until next Saturday! - Where I will update the blog on my time with YOS/YOT.

Wish me luck!

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