Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 6....

Yesterday was a simple day. Crown court in the morning, with a VERY quick trial at crown court and legal research in the afternoon.

9:00 am: head to crown court.
10:00 am: sit in on trial (pleaded guilty so ended very quickly)
11:00 am: network!
1:00 am: lunch
2:00 am: legal research into abuse of process procedures.
5:00 am: home.

Networking is probably the most important thing you can do whilst on a work placement. Get to know the people your working with and around and make them like you! You want them to remember you!

I have gradually been gaining more and more confidence to approach other lawyers. Therefore, as we were leaving the court room we approached one of the barristers asking for advice on how we can further ourselves in law. Without hesitation he sat down with us to chat. On asking him whether he thinks it would be advisable to gain a mini pupilage even though I am currently more inclined to take the solicitors route, he rang his chambers there and then to ask if they had any placements - to which the answer is yes! So all I need to do is send in my cv and covering letter, then there we have it!

Just goes to show its always worth it to be bold and take a chance! Although be aware not everyone will be quite so accommodating and never take it personally!

Watch this space!

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