Wednesday 23 May 2012

Onwards and upwards!

Furthering my career in law has become a little quite as of late, due to the dreaded EXAMS! So, I thought it was time for a review.

So what have I achieved since deciding to do law?

- I have secured a two week work placement.
I have already had a small amount of experience within a local solicitors firm which focused on family law. It was a great insight into the workings of a firm and the dealings of cases. I loved the way the firm worked so effectively as a team through consultation, yet at the same time being able to work successfully as individuals when needed. (a work pattern which is perfect for me!) I was also able to learn the basic ins and outs of family law and experience how emotionally challenging some cases can be. Yet I was always aware of the importance of professionalism.
I have secured a two week work placement in a solicitors firm which specialises in criminal law. I couldn't be more excited! I am really looking forward to being able to explore another sector of law and have the opportunity to really get involved within a firm over the two weeks.

- I have researched what I want to do.
I have obviously spent time reading books, magazines and websites informing prospective lawyers about routes in and what a career in law might involve.
However, I can not stress enough how valuable it is to speak to the experienced! They offer their own real experiences and provide advice tailored to you. HIGHLY recommend it.

- I have joined the YOS as an Appropriate Adult.
Due to my upcoming placement in criminal law, I wanted to expand my experience and knowledge.
In short, acting as an appropriate adult involves providing support to young offenders taken into police stations. Informing them of the process and acting as a non bias support figure. This will provide invaluable experience at the same time as providing the rewarding experience of voluntary work.

- I have used social networking sites to further myself.
The amount of people I have met through twitter who are interested in law is incredible. We are able to share experiences, thoughts and plans. Whilst getting to know prospective employers and widening your contact base. Some people have even been kind enough to promote my blog through twitter!
LinkedIn I am still not entirely sure how to use. It seems contacts need to be made outside of LinkedIn before you can network with them through the site. However it is a great way to put your cv online, widen your contact base and they publish really good articles relevant to your career sector and interests.
Blogging has been great fun. It's perfect for tracking all the details of your experiences and enables you to share your experiences with others who might be interested.
However... It is important to remember that, whilst social networking sites are great for widening your knowledge and contact base and sharing experiences. It is not a way to get a job or placement! The classic old fashioned ways are still the best for that.

- I have enhanced my cv.
I am taking evening French classes, now of intermediate level. I participated in the employability award and I won the campaign to become treasurer of they history committee. All of which have been great experiences in themselves and are valuable skills to put on my cv.

So, overall I have gained experience, researched my future, started networking and attained valuable skills. I still have a long way to go and a lot more to do but I've taken the first steps. And I have enjoyed every minute so far!

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